Terrence Howard loses his widow’s peak

Terrance Howard is a classic example of how men lose their widow’s peak in the frontal hairline.  As a young man and adolescent, Mr. Howard started with a strong V-Shaped widow’s peak in his frontal hairline. Over the years, however, he has personally experienced the progressive nature of hair loss. What the public is observing are the hair follicles in the widow’s peak region literally “burning out” as a straight frontal hairline is developing.

There is possibly no other physical change that shows an aging man than frontal hair loss. A receding hairline and temple hair loss suggests to the culture that a man’s youth, vitality and attractiveness to the opposite sex are slipping away from him.

Irvine hair loss specialist and surgeon, Dr. Ken Williams, knows the feeling personally.  In reflecting his story of hair loss he states, “Before my three (3) hair restoration surgeries with automated FUE using the NeoGraft device, my hair loss in the frontal hair line was very humbling. My family and close friends were always making fun of  me about my hair loss. This made me think, if my closest relationships were noticing and joking about my receding frontal hairline, what were those people who were not close to me thinking or saying.”

A Norwood Class Two, chart pictured above, is what most men will look like at some point in their lives whether it comes in their 20s, 30s, or even as late as their 40s. Hair loss is genetic about 95% of the time. Genetic hair loss is also known as “male pattern baldness,” or in strict medical terms, Androgenetic Alopecia.

Genetic hair loss is caused by a male hormone called dihydrotesterone, DHT for short. DHT attacks hair follicles and slowly shrinks them until they fall out and are never able to grow again. 95% of hair loss in men is caused by DHT. If that wasn’t bad enough, most men will lose up to 50% of their hair before they notice that the genetic hair loss is occurring. Hair loss is not caused by clogged pores, poor circulation, of lack of oxygen as many scam hair loss treatments claim.

Thankfully with today’s technology there are several medical and surgical treatment options for Frontal Hair Loss:

1. Hair Transplant Surgery: Linear Strip FUT and Automated FUE

2. Low Level Laser Therapy: Light to stimulate new hair follicle growth & increase in thickness

3. Propecia: Oral medication to block DHT from attacking hair follicles

4. Rogaine: Topical over the counter treatment to protect DHT from attacking hair follicles

“Mr. Howard would be a great candidate for hair restoration surgery to rebuild the widows peak,” says Dr. Williams from The Irvine Institute of Medicine and Cosmetic Surgery-Hair Restoration Center. He adds, “once we have him on a good medical treatment program,  he can have the simple outpatient surgical procedure and see the results immediately.”

As always, we wish Mr. Howard a successful career in Hollywood. He is a talented actor in Hollywood.

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